Summer Internships

At First Orlando

Ready for a magical opportunity? Come and spend a summer in Orlando, Florida for an internship at First Orlando. You know about Disney World, but did you know that Orlando is one of the fastest-growing and most diverse cities in America? The culture of Orlando is part of what makes interning at First Orlando memorable and meaningful.

First Orlando is committed to providing a summer experience that helps you discover your calling and equip you for future ministry.


You will get real hands-on leadership experience in a multiethnic, outreach-oriented church that cares deeply about reaching our community and teaching people how to follow Jesus and lead others to do the same.


You will get leadership lessons and hands-on coaching from an experienced, kind, and loving staff who value people, innovation, excellence, and development.


You will have an opportunity to grow in your love for people, ministry, and God. We provide hands-on ministry opportunities to serve, shepherd, and care for people and the community.

The Details

Internship Start Date: May 12th
Compensation: Interns will receive a stipend for their educational experience.
Housing: If applicable, we can assist you in finding a host home for the summer.

If you are ready to take an incredible journey with us this summer, please apply for your internship below.

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